Foundation Problems Before Remodeling

Before remodeling a house make sure the foundation is stable and level.

This is an interesting email because the new homeowner only received one estimate of his foundation problems prior to the purchase. Since we are the only company in Houston that installs the high quality Bell Bottom Piers, we know that the homeowner received a lower priced, lower quality estimate.

The homeowner and contractor are absolutely right about stabilizing and leveling the foundation before starting the remodeling work. During the leveling process the homeowner will see walls and joints move. Often the homeowner is surprised by the amount of leveling required.

A house in this price range is usually over 3000 square feet in size. So this could be a large foundation repair job. We haven’t seen it yet so we don’t know, nor can we speculate on an estimate.

Our advice is to get multiple estimates before making a decision about your foundation problems. We only offer a high quality PERMANENT solution so give us a call today.

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