Foundation Repair Testimonials from Customers

Welcome to Dawson’s Foundation Repair Testimonials section of our website. This is our chance to offer you an idea of our clients’ opinions regarding our foundation repair work on their homes. We have given you two methods to search through our testimonials. First, you can search by “Major City” because most of our work is done in these cities. You will find that a majority of the testimonials are from the Houston area. That is because we started our business in Houston and then later expanded to other cities. The second search method offered is browsing through the “Testimonial Letter Summaries” in the sequence in which we received the letters. You can then click on any link to view the entire testimonial letter.

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Pages with Summaries of Testimonial Letters
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Most of our clients are hesitant and concerned prior to any major construction work on their homes. And they should be. Any major construction work on a person’s home will elicit the same type of reaction. What we have found is that a clear explanation of the causes and the solutions will help comfort the homeowner. Commercial customers have similar feelings but they are more focused on the expenses and downtime, if any. We have found that the secret to receiving so many testimonial letters is simple – deliver what you promise.

Thank you for visiting our Foundation Repair Testimonials section and we hope our many clients have given you some level of confidence in our work. We have found that a happy client will often refer others. And some of our clients buy different homes in their city so they become repeat clients. Please call us or visit our FAQ page with any questions. CALL TODAY to set up a Home Foundation Inspection. Or you can contact us via our contact form on our contact page.

For more information about Dawson Foundation Repair please visit our About Dawson page.
Click the following link for more information about the Comparison of Foundation Repair Methods.

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