Foundation Repair Complaints

Foundation Repair ComplaintsWhen comparing foundation repair companies in order to make a decision for your home, the last thing that many people think to check is company complaints. However, these are a good source of information for the homeowner, especially when combined with an understanding of the certification process for foundation repair companies.

Foundation repair companies may be certified or accredited, but in the simplest terms, it is important to determine where that certification comes from. Many companies have engineering studies to support their claims of excellence, prepared by staff engineers, but homeowners should always ask for information from independent structural engineers when considering a particular method of foundation repair. Often, foundation repair complaints result from work done on a foundation without a full understanding of the long-term impact of the engineering principles at work in this kind of repair.

Independent structural engineers are the best source of information if you as a homeowner want to be fully equipped to make a sound decision. These professionals are not paid in any way by foundation repair companies and they have experience with residential concrete slab foundations. This is important because at the moment, there is no set of licensing requirements for foundation repair companies. Many other service providers are licensed, but not foundation repair providers.

When reviewing the complaints lodged against foundation companies, many of them take the form of unhappy homeowners who are dissatisfied with the less than permanent results they are achieving from past repair jobs. Other complaints are filed as a result of terms in the contract known as Mandatory Arbitration, which is a carefully designed system that defeats the consumer or homeowner 90% to 97% of the time. Homeowners should carefully review and understand all contracts before they sign them, but they should also be aware of the differences in foundation repair methods in order to avoid frustration and further repairs. For instance, the Bell Bottom Pier method, the only method used by Dawson Foundation Repair, may take a little longer to complete and be a larger investment in your home, but it is the superior method recommended by structural engineers.

Homeowners should also take the time to look at sources like the Better Business Bureau and Angie’s List to review the types of complaints, if any, that are filed against particular foundation repair companies. Understanding the reasons for complaints, as well as the standards that govern foundation repair, will help in determining the best solution for your home.

Dawson Foundation Repair installs only Bell Bottom Piers for homeowners and commercial property owners. Bell Bottom Piers have far more advantages over any other method of foundation repair and we feel the homeowner should receive the best option available. Dawson Foundation Repair services homes and commercial businesses all over Texas including Austin, Dallas, Houston, Plano, Sugar Land, and other cities. Call us for a free inspection and assessment of your home’s foundation security.

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